Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Star in My Room

I have a star in my room,
A bright shiny star.
It doesn't shine like sun,
But like a star,
It certainly does.
It's even brighter than a known few,
Or may be alot,
But yes, it is bright,
In my room--
The brightest star.
It shines for me,
And me only,
As I am the one
Who made it that;
Yes, it shines,
It certainly does,
And since it does,
It shines for all.
I have a star in my room,
Nevertheless, my own personal star.

2:42 am

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Answers to a few Unasked Questions-

हाँ नहीं मुबारक मुझे सबकी
मोहब्बत है,
जवां है,
यार से नहीं,
ख़ुद से;
यार से भी,
ख़ुद से भीA

I need the power
to control
everything, anything.
I will lucid dream
And I will remember it.

I will get it,
It might take a million years
But it’s alright,
I am patient.

Too many paths
For one goal,
Follow one
Or none
But know the goal,
I should know the goal.

I am in a marriage,
With whom?
I don’t know now,
But soon I shall
And then we will copulate.

सूकून तो सब जगह है,
सूकून मेरे भीतर है
तो सब जगह हैA

I don’t long for
I am happy,
I shall be.

गुमान मेरा है,
ख़ुद पर है
क्यूंकी यकीन हैA
मैं गुमान क्यूँ ना करूँ,
पर जब करुँ
तो नाप कर करूँA

I was
I am
I shall be
The snake,
Eating it’s own tail;
The “Cycle”.

I smell loved,
I smell blessed,
I smell liberated,
I smell alive.

He could be good,
He could be evil,
It doesn’t matter,
Unless I know, what ‘I am’ is.

मैं हूँ
तो यह सृष्टि है,
मैं नहीं
तो कुछ भी नहीं;
पर फिर मैं हूँ
और सृष्टि भी है,
तो सब ज़िम्मेदारी भी मेरी ही हैA

Destroying the moon
And admiring too
Is beautiful;
For beauty
Is not in the moon,
Beauty is what I see.

I have no past,
I have no future,
I am the happiest man alive;
And I shall live forever.

I am not just what’s visible,
I am much bigger than that,
And yes little too.
I am what I think,
And I think everything.

I had been a rock,
I had been the river,
Flowing freely over.
I have carved myself,
Through the coarse of time,
I have created myself;
I am creating me.


Thursday, November 12, 2015

Absurd is having Hope for Real.

Absurdism, what is it? As best told by Mr. Asil Raees—“when there is no hope.” It suits well, when there is no hope, we create a world of our own imagination. Most of us creates it out of facts and figures we have been known about through what we think as other sources. And keep on believing that with being ambitious to gain certain possesions we can have hope in our life. It is just as much schizophrenic as those psychiatric patients who think that they are living in a different world. They see this world as unreal and some other realm of their imagination to be true.
                The thing is that those patients have got two or more realities to compare, whereas most of us are stuck with just one. We however feels many a times that ‘this or that’(thing/event/thought/person/feeling, all in all reality) could not be real. Imagine you are in a real need of some special person to talk to yoou about something and he/she calls and tells you exactly what you wanted to hear from the bottom of your heart or your innermost self, the real you. And you get that feeling—is it all real?
                What is real? If we get to the quantum level which is still being not understood and which is creating such possibilites that we were mostly not even imagining before. It says we all are basically vibrations of particles and which are actually everything. Implying at the root, at the core, we all are one, rather made oup of same building blocks. And also in the quantum realm there is a possibilty of all the possibilities to be true. Meaning we could be anything and everything at the same time. Its just the same matter manifested in different forms. We just have to get conciouss to what we want to be, how we want our reality to be build, and this is what we actually do all the time.
                There could not be any single reality if there is any. Reality is just imagination. Reality is just a feeling. It is the feeling that tells us that we are alive and living the moment. But do we really live the moments? Do we really understand the moment we are living in or passing by? Do we even know our physical space, the three dimensional space? Do we know all the time whats around us? So how can we confirm that we are living in a real space-time? There are too many questions that condemn this idea of reality to be real. But it still feels real, isn’t it? Because our brain records the memories emotionally and not just factually. It is the brain which is working as a CPU for us to remember things and feel alive. And through these memories we get to make patterns- like what shall happen and what not and create our virtual reality around it.
                If this reality is not real then there is no hpe for humanity. No. First of all what is hope? Hope is the feeling that keeps you running. Its kind of an engine oil. Its not like you cannot run without it, its just it makes your journey easy and smooth. Hope is when you feel that something good is going to happen. Either out of some work that you have done, be it an office job or religiously good deeds or out of nowhere something good will happen, like a miracle. However we don’t hope for miracles. Normally. Miracles are more like a want thing than hope. We want the best or even better to happen, but we always hope that nothing goes wrong.
                Now the thing is that if this reality is unreal, and we not being ascetics are not able to get over it, what should we do? We could always hope for the best. Or we could go absurd, go bizzare, go abstract, make a new perspective, take a different rooute, try to really (however unreal) live a moment—not bound by faiths, not bound by rituals, not bound by the fears or beliefs. We could still learn and develop ourselves into our higher-selves or conciouss-selves to attain the real realism of the Gods.
                By then its just me and my absurd, abstract perspectives to lead me to live and feel alive.

12th Nov, 2015


Saturday, November 7, 2015

Consciousness is ‘The Operating System of the Universe’.

“Consciousness is the software that creates the hardware of reality around itself.”
                It is proven phsycologically that we would be what we percieve ourselves to be. If we are jolly and happy, a positive thinker, a person who enjoys every moment; we wopuld be confident, risk taker, decision maker—in result we would get what we want in life. And similarly for a sad person things would be just the opposite of above, however still falling in the same pattern.
                As they say its all connected. In theories we call this ‘The Butterfly Effect’.
                Basically what is happening here is that Consciousness is manifesting, manufacturing its own reality. Now on above scenario, on sad one, the question pops up is-- Why a Consciousness is creating a sad reality for itself? I believe that the whole universe, and perhaps beyond is just one single conciousness. Implying this thought, I can say that its not the Consciousness that is creating a sad reality, rather its the lower part of it, which is just a ‘System Software’, a kind of ‘Artificial Intelligence’ which works on the basis of facts and figures , the code books, respective to every individual ‘Machine’ its been assigned to (Consciousness is all). This system software’s basic job is to keep running the machine for as long as possible. For this purpose only the software decides on what to eat, who to meet, all other daily jobs etc. This software or AI could also be named as the ‘Personality’ of an individual.
                This personality creates our world around us, it creates our ego which decides what do we want our lives to be. And the most we do is reaching that material level which we created for just to keep machine running the best way the system software or personality opted, or taking the vehicle to its destination (ambitions), but that is not the real destination.
                But when the real Consciousness awakens, you feel oneness with everything. It feels like all that sadness, all that joy was for one’s own amusement, it was all unreal. As if the system software is bloddy corrupted. Its that all we see around—these other people , these cars, trains, lakes, moon, our planet, stars, the whole universe are just a non real perception of beings, of individuals, which actually is false in itself. Like for example—
                                We see color red as red, we can define it, or can get atleast agree to certain points defining red. But we can never be able to prove that what we are calling red is actually the same color for both of us. It could be different in tint or tone or may be, its just some other color, the thing is that we are percieving it as red and that is what the ‘Truth’ is. Percievance.
                Consciousness is what liberates you from percievance. It opens all the channels for how a certain thing can be percieved. Consciousness is the ‘Operating System’ of not only this machine, rather it is what operates the whole universe and I hope beyond.
                Consciousness is what could be the God.
7th Nov, 2015

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Love is an Irony.

                I now know that there is some plane where quarks are free, not bound to any field. Where there is no mass, yet infinite density. Where there is no matter and no anti-matter. Everything is at an equilibrium. It is a plane of perfect state. And here resides the Grand Creator. And His team, may be. It is He who decided what shall happen and when shall it happen.
                He should have asked Himself a lot many questions. He must had been pretty curious. I mean look around.
                                Absolute perfection can create absolute curiousity.
                He must had some real craving. Of what? To evolve, may be. How do we define Perfection? We humans cannot even imagine perfection perfectly. What if this be the case with Him? When he is sitting on His perfect state’s perfect throne, covered by light and clarity (but all this clarity possess no significance as there is light everywhere) he must crave for some darkness. The perfectivity should be monotonous. He should have craved for some drama, as all we can see is drama and conflict and chaos in His creation. Yet there is order in that chaos too. That is the drama.
                                Things Die to Create. Irony.
                He loves irony. That is why He created.
                                Once He was sitting and thinking of His boredom. He thought, “Let ‘there’ be light..”. By ‘there’ He meant ‘Nowhere’, where there is no light. He created His Grand Creation by just a thought. But in this thought He put a catch, for His own amusement. That catch was ‘Love/Gravity (Newtonian)’. He put Love between everything, because He knew Love is the creator of drama. Love is the biggest Irony.
                                “And He asketh Irony to wear the cloak of Love and enter every consciousness, be it an ice-flake or a star, be it anything or nothing. Now go and spread afar.”
                Love attracts. Love repels. Love causes envy. Love causes hatred. Love happens in care. Love seeks revenge. Love kills. Love liberates. Love enslaves. Love sustains. Love subjugates. Love exaggerates. Love do not hold back. Love sacrifices. Love give peace. Love finds peace. Love is Nirvana. Love is the creator and Love is the destroyer. Love is Him Himself.
                He smiles.
                                He is Light. He craves Darkness. Love is Irony.

31st Oct, 2015

4:16 am

My wish

My dear God,
                Did you ever concieved that I could ever be undevoted to You? Did you ever think of that I could renounce You or this concept of You? Did You ever think of me deviating away from You? Slowly or fast, doesn’t matter; who knows sooner or later. I don’t know.
                But do You know? Do You know what it means, do You knowwhat it’ll be if I renounce You? Do You know what would it be if I say,
 “NO” to You?
                And if You know, You must know the consequences too?
                Have You wanted this all along, all the time, always? Have You wanted this to happen? I am not saying if its happening now, or not. I don’t know.
                I cannot discuss that with You. No, not You.
                But since You know as they say You know. So, If You know.
                                Do You Know?
                If You know, what do You think of me, of the given situation, what do You think of it?
                Is it necessary, is it really important? Do I have to understand this? Is there a riddle in it? Are you asking me to complete the puzzle? Because I see a lot of hints, to count it as a puzzle or riddle. I hear people say that they don’t need you anymore. But I have seen that, deep down, in the back of their heads, they all are kind of tied t You. It doesn’t matter how much they say otherwise, but in their hearts they really need You, want You.
                Do I need You? Do I need a personal God? I don’t know, however I can think of this idea, can analyse, can try to understand the merits and demerits. Huhh! well its pretty comforting of an idea though.
                But You there, You know. You know what is the real purpose of all this and that, of everything round and flat. It’s You who knows. And who else can know?
                I sometimes wonder, what if I really renounce You? I say –
You are not there,
Not anywhere,
You had never been,
                What would the result be? How would You react? Would You punish me, for being a non believer? Let me imagine the scinario—You are punishing me in all the possible and non possible ways for as I renounced You. But since I had renounced(too much of renouncing can kill a man, haah!) You, I find no relation, no real connection between things happening to me and You. Then, how would You prove that its You, the Punisher?
You are very hard to know,
Very hard to get into, too.
But I am easy, an easy prey
To a Lion like You.
You can hunt me, any moment
Any moment of your choice, though.
I want You to hunt me,
With your powerful, knowledgeful arrow
That You have in your quiver,
Since eternity, oh almighty, oh!
Shoot it, for its time now,
Hunt me, kill me with that arrow,
Enlighten me, for I am really now.
                I don’t want to renounce You, not YOU. Some other things that a re associated to You, but not You. And by YOU, I mean, You know ‘Who’.
                So, comeon hunt me down. Put the arrow right into my heart, through.
                I want to be like You, knowing all, yet not interveining. I want to blow like a feather. Slowly and smoothly, moving with the wind. And when I get to the ground I have known a lot, absorbed a lot, yet I do not disturb the ground when I touch it.
I want to know all.
                I crave for knowledge. I crave for enlightment, nirvana, moksha. That is what my precious is. Knowledge is what I seek. If You are there, if You really are there, or here, or anywhere, or everywhere; its your duty to let me through the gates of the knowledge place.
The place where I learn,
I learn everything,
Everything, everyone
That has ever known.
                Be my messiah. Show me the way. Show me the path to You. I want You to directly intervien with me. I want a direct interaction. No middle man, no spirits coming to me claiming to be You or your voice. No, I want You. I know I’ll understand the moment I see You. At least I think so.
                Ergo, come and see me. Let me try, I’ll fail You’ll enjoy, or not. See me so that I can see You.
Right into, through,
Right in YOU.
I Wish
30th Oct, 2015

3:42 am

What is Right?

If this space is,
What is right
Then what is right,
And what is right?
If this time is,
What is right
Then what is right,
And what is right?
If this reality is
Then what is real
And what is right?
And if this right is
Then write,
What is right, and
What is no right.
30th Oct, 2015
