Saturday, October 31, 2015

My wish

My dear God,
                Did you ever concieved that I could ever be undevoted to You? Did you ever think of that I could renounce You or this concept of You? Did You ever think of me deviating away from You? Slowly or fast, doesn’t matter; who knows sooner or later. I don’t know.
                But do You know? Do You know what it means, do You knowwhat it’ll be if I renounce You? Do You know what would it be if I say,
 “NO” to You?
                And if You know, You must know the consequences too?
                Have You wanted this all along, all the time, always? Have You wanted this to happen? I am not saying if its happening now, or not. I don’t know.
                I cannot discuss that with You. No, not You.
                But since You know as they say You know. So, If You know.
                                Do You Know?
                If You know, what do You think of me, of the given situation, what do You think of it?
                Is it necessary, is it really important? Do I have to understand this? Is there a riddle in it? Are you asking me to complete the puzzle? Because I see a lot of hints, to count it as a puzzle or riddle. I hear people say that they don’t need you anymore. But I have seen that, deep down, in the back of their heads, they all are kind of tied t You. It doesn’t matter how much they say otherwise, but in their hearts they really need You, want You.
                Do I need You? Do I need a personal God? I don’t know, however I can think of this idea, can analyse, can try to understand the merits and demerits. Huhh! well its pretty comforting of an idea though.
                But You there, You know. You know what is the real purpose of all this and that, of everything round and flat. It’s You who knows. And who else can know?
                I sometimes wonder, what if I really renounce You? I say –
You are not there,
Not anywhere,
You had never been,
                What would the result be? How would You react? Would You punish me, for being a non believer? Let me imagine the scinario—You are punishing me in all the possible and non possible ways for as I renounced You. But since I had renounced(too much of renouncing can kill a man, haah!) You, I find no relation, no real connection between things happening to me and You. Then, how would You prove that its You, the Punisher?
You are very hard to know,
Very hard to get into, too.
But I am easy, an easy prey
To a Lion like You.
You can hunt me, any moment
Any moment of your choice, though.
I want You to hunt me,
With your powerful, knowledgeful arrow
That You have in your quiver,
Since eternity, oh almighty, oh!
Shoot it, for its time now,
Hunt me, kill me with that arrow,
Enlighten me, for I am really now.
                I don’t want to renounce You, not YOU. Some other things that a re associated to You, but not You. And by YOU, I mean, You know ‘Who’.
                So, comeon hunt me down. Put the arrow right into my heart, through.
                I want to be like You, knowing all, yet not interveining. I want to blow like a feather. Slowly and smoothly, moving with the wind. And when I get to the ground I have known a lot, absorbed a lot, yet I do not disturb the ground when I touch it.
I want to know all.
                I crave for knowledge. I crave for enlightment, nirvana, moksha. That is what my precious is. Knowledge is what I seek. If You are there, if You really are there, or here, or anywhere, or everywhere; its your duty to let me through the gates of the knowledge place.
The place where I learn,
I learn everything,
Everything, everyone
That has ever known.
                Be my messiah. Show me the way. Show me the path to You. I want You to directly intervien with me. I want a direct interaction. No middle man, no spirits coming to me claiming to be You or your voice. No, I want You. I know I’ll understand the moment I see You. At least I think so.
                Ergo, come and see me. Let me try, I’ll fail You’ll enjoy, or not. See me so that I can see You.
Right into, through,
Right in YOU.
I Wish
30th Oct, 2015

3:42 am

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