Saturday, October 31, 2015

Love is an Irony.

                I now know that there is some plane where quarks are free, not bound to any field. Where there is no mass, yet infinite density. Where there is no matter and no anti-matter. Everything is at an equilibrium. It is a plane of perfect state. And here resides the Grand Creator. And His team, may be. It is He who decided what shall happen and when shall it happen.
                He should have asked Himself a lot many questions. He must had been pretty curious. I mean look around.
                                Absolute perfection can create absolute curiousity.
                He must had some real craving. Of what? To evolve, may be. How do we define Perfection? We humans cannot even imagine perfection perfectly. What if this be the case with Him? When he is sitting on His perfect state’s perfect throne, covered by light and clarity (but all this clarity possess no significance as there is light everywhere) he must crave for some darkness. The perfectivity should be monotonous. He should have craved for some drama, as all we can see is drama and conflict and chaos in His creation. Yet there is order in that chaos too. That is the drama.
                                Things Die to Create. Irony.
                He loves irony. That is why He created.
                                Once He was sitting and thinking of His boredom. He thought, “Let ‘there’ be light..”. By ‘there’ He meant ‘Nowhere’, where there is no light. He created His Grand Creation by just a thought. But in this thought He put a catch, for His own amusement. That catch was ‘Love/Gravity (Newtonian)’. He put Love between everything, because He knew Love is the creator of drama. Love is the biggest Irony.
                                “And He asketh Irony to wear the cloak of Love and enter every consciousness, be it an ice-flake or a star, be it anything or nothing. Now go and spread afar.”
                Love attracts. Love repels. Love causes envy. Love causes hatred. Love happens in care. Love seeks revenge. Love kills. Love liberates. Love enslaves. Love sustains. Love subjugates. Love exaggerates. Love do not hold back. Love sacrifices. Love give peace. Love finds peace. Love is Nirvana. Love is the creator and Love is the destroyer. Love is Him Himself.
                He smiles.
                                He is Light. He craves Darkness. Love is Irony.

31st Oct, 2015

4:16 am

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