Saturday, November 7, 2015

Consciousness is ‘The Operating System of the Universe’.

“Consciousness is the software that creates the hardware of reality around itself.”
                It is proven phsycologically that we would be what we percieve ourselves to be. If we are jolly and happy, a positive thinker, a person who enjoys every moment; we wopuld be confident, risk taker, decision maker—in result we would get what we want in life. And similarly for a sad person things would be just the opposite of above, however still falling in the same pattern.
                As they say its all connected. In theories we call this ‘The Butterfly Effect’.
                Basically what is happening here is that Consciousness is manifesting, manufacturing its own reality. Now on above scenario, on sad one, the question pops up is-- Why a Consciousness is creating a sad reality for itself? I believe that the whole universe, and perhaps beyond is just one single conciousness. Implying this thought, I can say that its not the Consciousness that is creating a sad reality, rather its the lower part of it, which is just a ‘System Software’, a kind of ‘Artificial Intelligence’ which works on the basis of facts and figures , the code books, respective to every individual ‘Machine’ its been assigned to (Consciousness is all). This system software’s basic job is to keep running the machine for as long as possible. For this purpose only the software decides on what to eat, who to meet, all other daily jobs etc. This software or AI could also be named as the ‘Personality’ of an individual.
                This personality creates our world around us, it creates our ego which decides what do we want our lives to be. And the most we do is reaching that material level which we created for just to keep machine running the best way the system software or personality opted, or taking the vehicle to its destination (ambitions), but that is not the real destination.
                But when the real Consciousness awakens, you feel oneness with everything. It feels like all that sadness, all that joy was for one’s own amusement, it was all unreal. As if the system software is bloddy corrupted. Its that all we see around—these other people , these cars, trains, lakes, moon, our planet, stars, the whole universe are just a non real perception of beings, of individuals, which actually is false in itself. Like for example—
                                We see color red as red, we can define it, or can get atleast agree to certain points defining red. But we can never be able to prove that what we are calling red is actually the same color for both of us. It could be different in tint or tone or may be, its just some other color, the thing is that we are percieving it as red and that is what the ‘Truth’ is. Percievance.
                Consciousness is what liberates you from percievance. It opens all the channels for how a certain thing can be percieved. Consciousness is the ‘Operating System’ of not only this machine, rather it is what operates the whole universe and I hope beyond.
                Consciousness is what could be the God.
7th Nov, 2015

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